The rotating project that generated the martial arts brainstorm was a modularized version of Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game. 

Why them? Frankly because it is run like an open source project. The only thing missing is a github account. 🙂

Since there is a source ODT file for homebrewing, it's possible to incorporate your house rules fairly easily. For people like me, however, it is not so easy to swap out entire subsystems.

So I am breaking up the ODT file into smaller documents. Using a Master Document in LibreOffice or Word, I can replace the smaller pieces and rebuild.

emerge -pU @World

Ultimately, the goal is to develop a workflow to produce games/houserules systematically:

I work up a playing card based magic item system, I fix the pieces describing magic item and rebuild the document.
I work up a martial arts system, add this new subsection, tweak the unarmed combat section, add a monk class, tweak multi-class rules, and then rebuild.

The entire workflow is similar to what I use now. The difference being the use of a master document to rebuild an entire game.

(I still use Typora to generate everything in markdown and pandoc to convert markdown to ODT/DOCX files. I still plan to use Scribus for layout.)