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Tiezerakan Details

In the spirit of Erin's post about just getting to the point, here are some options with Tiezerakan.

Weapon Proficiencies:

All weapons cost one slot to purchase. Warriors can take a specialty in any weapon listed.

Ship Weapons

Cannon (12 pounders to Cannonades)
Grapeshot (4 pounders to 8 pounders)

Personal Weapons

Wheellock Pistol
Wheellock Rifle
Repeating Crossbow

Non-Weapon Proficiencies:

All new non-weapon proficiencies below cost one point each.

Alien Cultures: INT - 1
Cartography: INT - 2
Gambling: WIS - 1
Interplanetary Navigation: INT - 2
Planetology: INT - 1
Shipbuilding: DEX
Ship-to-Ship Communication: INT + 1
Spacefaring Crewman: DEX + 2
Survival (Space): WIS - 1
Pilot: WIS - 2
Weightless Combat: DEX/INT - 1 (Whichever is higher)

As you can see with the new proficiencies, rogues can do very well. Many crewman are rogues. STR is not the base ability for any of the new proficiencies, however all classes can, in theory, pilot a ship, navigate the stars, etc. However, piloting, mapping and navigation usually favor Wizards.

In Tiezerakan, brute strength has no advantage over those who have great control of their body or the cunning to be in the right place at the right time. Adventures on spacefaring ships are two parts ingenuity, one part knowledge, one part good sense and a whole lot of luck.

Example Kits

Rouge Kit - Pirate

Weapon Proficiency - Any, but either Cannon and Grapeshot or Ballista and Crossbow recommended.
Non-Weapon Proficiency - Crewman required. Survival (space) recommended. Navigation or Piloting required to become a Captain.

Pirates are common in Tiezerakan. Many adventure seekers either begin as pirates or end up as pirates at some point in life.

Priest Kit - Emissary

Sent out by the gods to gain converts in the places between planets, an Emissary travels in search of converts and the destroy the enemies of his/her deity. They are prepared to do battle first and preach later.

Weapon Proficiency - Any available to the priest. They can choose firearms.
Non-Weapon Proficiency - Piloting required. Navigation and Planetology required.

Domains: An emissary does not have the spells available to clerics. They have access to spell levels 1 to 7 in two domains, and spell levels 1 to 3 in two others.

A new domain is available that helps crewman survive long trips, find a direct path, even cause a ship to "jump ahead" arriving much earlier than possible by convention means.

Later, there will be a psionicist kit and a wizard kit.


Closer to my roots in D&D in regards to 2e is all the settings. I loved Dark Sun and Spelljammer particularly. Beyond these two there were many more available to suit just about any taste.

At the time I got Spelljammer, I didn't use proficiencies at all. I didn't have the 2e PHB at the time, so aside from THAC0, if I didn't understand it or couldn't create a rules-hack for it, it was tossed.

Yet in honor of the setting I loved so much, no 2e clone would be without rules for outer space adventure.

This title is a placeholder for any post about fantasy adventures in space. Tiezerakan will not be a clone of Spelljammer. The setting and physics will be quite different. For example, anyone can pilot a ship, not just Wizards, Priests or psionicists. For another, there will be no race of beings that exist only as merchants of technology. For the love of all things holy, there will be no giant space hamsters, despite my love for tinker gnomes.

Unlike a lot of my settings, it will be grim n' gritty. You may even characterize it as soulless. It's more than just a lack of effective priests, it's an ennui from seasoned spacefarers that have seen too many things that defy explanation. It's an acceptance of magic arms dealers, xenomages on an eternal quest for more alien DNA to build living constructs, snake oil salesman taking advantage of backwater planets and the trade companies that determine the fate of galaxies on a daily basis.

Next step: either Psionicists Kits, Wizard Kits III or a vignette about Tiezerakan.

Wizards Part II

A really quick post about the magic schools.

Oppositional schools work really well if there are an odd number of schools because every school can have two oppositional schools.

Being visual, though, here is a star to show every school and its two oppositional schools. Pick a school, say Conjuration/Summoning. Following the lines away from Conjuration/Summoning, you find that the two oppositional schools are Invocation/Evocation and Greater Divination.

Many of the schools have the same oppositional schools as printed in the PHB. I added a school, so not all of them are the same, but enough do that it feels right.

Yes this makes it harder to add more schools, but I'll upload that diagram soon.

Let me know what you think.

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