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Mellivora and the Examati

One of the more creative OSR products I've seen lately is Pars Fortuna. As it explains in the description, take the rules of S&W and remove the standards fantasy elements like races, spells, etc.

In the same spirit of inspiration, I present two races that exist symbiotically, the Mellivora and the Examati. This post covers the Examati. The next post will detail the Mellivora.

Life Together

The Examati and Mellivora have existed together for hundreds of years. Members of each race are rarely seen without a member of the other. The Examati rely of the fierce Mellivora warriors for protection and acquiring more territory. Despite their great need for the them, the Examati subjugate the Mellivora with alien and fearsome magics. Despite their fear of the Examati, the Mellivora rely on them for crafting weapons and social structure. Without the Examati, the Mellivora would devolve into several warring factions eventually devouring each other. Without the Mellivora, the Examati would be quickly overrun by inhabitants of the surrounding territories.


The Examati are roughly human in shape and stand between six-and-a-half and seven-and-a-half feet tall. They have a thin, wiry build with disproportionally long arms and six-fingered hands. They range from off-white to a pale grey in complexion. Their elongated heads feature small ears. On each side of their nose, there are three eyes in a triangular formation. Instead of teeth, the mouth has two bony plates.

They are devoted to their complex pantheon of gods. Attempts to catalog their religion have proven fruitless by sages. The Examati believe that they are servants and masters of various other-worldly spirits. These spirits are invoked to generate magic that ranges from granting boons to demolishing cities. Each spell appears as a tear in extra-dimensional space with beings foul and fair emerging just long enough to create a specific magical effect. The effect of seeing an Examati spell cast is enough to shake even the most seasoned adventurer.

Outside of their own spirit-based magic, the Examati are distrustful of any other form of magic. In their minds, all other magic demonstrates an arrogance that someone would disturb this plane and the spirit plane without consulting the spirits themselves.

Under the protection of the Mellivora, the Examati has developed a large temple system that governs in all their cities. All Examati belong a one of fifty or sixty temple orders. Based on their membership and status with a temple, an individual Examati is entitled to certain rights such as land ownership, voting in councils, a domicile outside the temple complex, and the ability to keep servants.

Racial Abilities

Examati are experts at identifying angels or demons. All Examati have the skill Demonology at a level of 11, regardless of their character class. They also gain a +1 to hit bonus when using a hurled weapon like a javelin or sling. They begin with a move of 15. They suffer a -2 penalty when attempting to Hide in Shadows and or Moving Silently.

Class Abilities

In game terms, Examati gain a +1 to Wisdom and a -1 to Strength. They tend to be Priests of their own religion. Weapon restrictions are dependent upon their temple membership, though all Examati clerics favor some kind of missile weapon or javelin. Examati will never be Mages, though some will become Warriors (either Fighters or Monks). A few Examati become Thieves that specialize in Lockpicking, Sneak Attacks, Ventriloquism and Climbing

The Lakma

(thanks again to Stuart's OSR Monk)

Examati that choose to become unarmed warriors or monks gain attacks as if they were weapon specialists. Using their long bodies for leverage, their kicks do 1d6 damage per attack. At first level, Lakma gain a -2 bonus to Armor Class and gain an additional -1 bonus on every odd level after that. At 9th level, the Lakma may cast the Examati Cleric spell Thanatic Strike (acts as Fireball spell cast at Lakma's current level) once per day. At 11th level, they use their normal unarmed attacks at a range of thirty feet plus ten feet for every level above the 11th.

Next time, the Mellivora

Central Fire

Part of what makes Tiezerakan different is the cosmology. It is somewhat based on the ideas of Philolaus and Pythagoras rather than the Ptolemaic universe seen in D&D over the years. The differences take a bit of getting used to and at this stage, I may not have all the details figured out yet. Having said that, take what you like and adapt the rest.

For many years, it was believed that Tol, the home planet, was the center of the universe. Once humans built ships to explore the skies, it soon became very evident that this was not the case. The center of the universe is called the Central Fire or the Hearth depending upon whom you ask. Many clerics and church officials focus more on the Hearth as the lands of the Gods. Other, less religiously inclined folk, focus more on the Central Fire as a gateway to the Elemental Plane of Fire. Travel to the Central Fire has been limited as will be detailed later.

Beyond the stars is a sphere of fire called the Outer Fire. The Outer Fire is fed from the Central Fire, those the mechanism for this is not clear. Beyond the Outer Fire, it is believed that there are other spheres with planets, stars, and other central fires.

Between the Outer Fire and the Central Fire, exists the planets, the moon and the stars of the night sky. Except the sun and stars, the planets and the moon have a twin that revolves around the Central Fire exactly half a revolution away. Tol, the home planet is closest to the Central Fire. Unlike other planets, the underside of Tol has a long narrow passageway that connects to its twin planet, presumably going through the Central Fire, itself. The passageway has been called The Needle. It serves as the most reliable trade route to Tol's twin planet. Travel through the Needle requires no special protections from fire or need for extra air.

The twin planet, Lot has been explored extensively. In many ways, Lot is almost identical to Tol except that the denizens of Lot never considered extraplanetary travel.

Outside Tol, the home planet, Bulan the Moon orbits around the central fire. The moon is inhabited by a race of intelligent giants. The twin of the Moon, Ay is similar to Bulan in every way. The giants that inhabit Bulan and Ay believe that they are descendant from the Titans.

Outside Bulan/Ay lies the Sun named Caiya. Caiya is about 20 times larger than Tol and is entirely composed of a glass/quartz material. It reflects the light and heat of the Central Fire. Nothing lives on the surface of Caiya, though some believe that the interior may be inhabited.

Outside Caiya, the Sun, lies Raksa/Civah. Raksa is a tropical planet full of dense jungles. It is primarily the home to elves. Civah, it's twin, is a colder planet marked by snow for almost half the year followed by very warm summers. Mostly dwarves, gnomes and halflings make residence there. Both planets are very rich in resources and are frequent destinations for traders.

The other planets that make up the system are:

Saokin/Zohr - Zohr is an arid planet known for its magic. Saokin is considered a resort planet. It also houses the main financial center of the sphere with several trading companies headquartered here.

Peran/Muhari - Muhari is a vast swamp. Peran is the name given to a cluster of asteroids. Both planets are pirate strongholds.

Besa/Boyuk - Little is known about these planets now. Besa serves as the battleground for wars of all kinds. Boyuk is uninhabitable.

Sinsin/Uzu - Icy planet twins believed to have access to the elemental plane of water.

That's just the barest thumbnail sketch of the sphere. As always more later.

A is Also for Apologies

I looked that the Arcanist pdf and I need to apologize. There's throwing stuff together for a concept, but this was pretty bad. Yes, I said it was an alpha, but that doesn't make me happy.

I'm re-working the PDF. I forgot to include the Casting Time for all the spells. I also didn't provide descriptions for several spells that were "identical to the level X Cleric spell of the same name." The word ritual appears in odd places.

So, I'm working on the revision. It will hopefully become something a bit more useful.

On a different topic, I will not reach Z before the end of April, or even May. I have to finish Shayakand work which has stalled for the past three months due to real life. I hope to spot more frequently, but I can't do everyday anymore. I promise that the post titles will not be something like T is for Time. I'll have normal blog post titles.

Here are some of the upcoming alphabet posts provided in the forbidden format:

C is for Combat - A post about the Combat rules

D is for Dragons - Some new dragons

E is for Equipment

M is for Magic - Options of being a spell caster

P is for Proficiencies - the entire proficiency system in one place

P is not for Paladin because I won't have one, at least not called a paladin, anyway.

T is for Tiezerakan - Outer Spaaaaaaaaaaace!

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