Sycarion Diversions

Home of the Odd Duk

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More on the Cargo Generator

I mentioned earlier that I had created a cargo generator for a White Star module that I am creating. As I mulled over it after work, I came up with a bonus table to generate Alcoholic beverages.

Here are two generated results:

Hrosian Brandy is made from a fruit similar to plums that is midly sweet and 8% alcohol by volume. It is faint yellow in color and served at room temperature.

Snentian Ale is made from a fruit similar to peaches that is very dry and 48% alcohol by volume. It is deep green in color and served ice cold.

Tweaks are required, but let me know what you think.

These Common Materials

In addition to finishing other projects, I wanted to spend some time every day working on a concept from a few months ago. The concept is a game that uses regular six-sided dice and a standard deck of cards to play.

This idea has been rattling around in my head for a number of years. The first scribbling of it was recently unearthed when a lost journal was found. (It's amazing what you can find when your car runs out of gas at 11:30 on Halloween night.) Since that post to this, the game has changed a number of times. At this point, I decided that now was as a good a time as any to simply finish the thing.

These Common Materials is a game that one or more players can use to adventure in fantastic worlds. Players know a little bit of Magic and a little bit of everything else. As a character overcomes obstacles, he or she may choose to specialize in certain areas like combat or spells. The character can also choose to be good at a wide range of skills and abilities.

The mechanics are straightforward:

  • Roll three dice or draw a card.
  • Add any relevant bonuses.
  • Claim Success for any result 15 or greater.

Cards are drawn when a character attempts to use magic. All other attempts use dice.

I explain a bit more about it on my first periscope.

Off to a good start. Promise to share more as soon as I can.

No periscope today, which was disappointing. Will try again tomorrow.

    No periscope today, which was disappointing. Will try again tomorrow.

Although word count I'd not so important with a game, I am happy to get 500 word today.

Basic character creation written today:

If you are a mage character, set the magic attribute at 1 and distribute eleven points amongst the remaining four attributes.

If you are not a mage character, set the magic attribute at 0 and distribute twelve points amongst the remaining four attributes.

No attribute can be zero except the magic attribute. Having zero for the magic attribute did not prevent a character from carrying spells.

Game mechanics:

For all things mundane (non-magic) Roll 3d6 plus relevant attribute plus any specializations greater than or equal to 15.

For all things magic, the mechanic Will be a separate post.

Under each attribute is a space to mark experience for that attribute. When a roll fails, add a tally mark under the relevant attribute. When the tally marks are four greater than the attribute, the character either increases the attribute by one or adds a specialization four that attribute. Specializations add three to a roll where that specialization Is used.

Magic attribute changes in the next post.

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