Sycarion Diversions

Home of the Odd Duk

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Wrote another 800 words so far today. This finished up the backgrounds, including a non-standard fantasy race. This update also defined four classes.

    Wrote another 800 words so far today. This finished up the backgrounds, including a non-standard fantasy race. This update also defined four classes.

If you are familiar with The Black Hack, it's the standard four classes. I plan to add a Summoner and possibly one more.

This puts me sound 17% complete for my first draft.

Wrote 524 more words of The Red Concordant. This makes the project 9% complete. I have written backgrounds for the standard fantasy races except humans.

    Wrote 524 more words of The Red Concordant. This makes the project 9% complete. I have written backgrounds for the standard fantasy races except humans.

In the game, stats are rolled first, then a background is chosen, and then finally a class. The backgrounds provide a choice of +1 to one of two stats, an ability, and many times a weapon proficiency in a weapon.

Here is two example backgrounds:

Gnome Miner
+1 STR or INT
Weapon Proficiency: Handaxe
Burrowfriend: Once a day can talk to a burrowing animal for one minute. This is usually to ask them to dig out nearby gemstones.

Elven Courtier
+1 INT or CHA
Weapon Proficiency: One-handed sword
Vigilant: Immune to magical sleep or charm effects.

In the final draft, there will be brief descriptions of each background.

I have written 400 out of 10,000 words for my current project. The working title for this project is The Red Concordant.

    I have written 400 out of 10,000 words for my current project. The working title for this project is The Red Concordant.

What is the Red Concordant?
The Red Concordant is a game that provides classic fantasy adventures. The rules are broadly based on role-playing games of the 70s and early 80s. Specifically, the rules are based on The Black Hack to give it a simpler, streamlined flavor. The goal of this game is to have fun in a series of adventures, not to get bogged down over the twists and turns of the rules.

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