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Work continues on the Red Concordant. After working on a ship building and combat system, I returned to the Magic section.

    Work continues on the Red Concordant. After working on a ship building and combat system, I returned to the Magic section.

I have finished one of the categories of spells. Here is a very, very rough draft of the Shadow spells. Adds 540 words. Four more categories on the way.

Level 1

Chill Touch -- A Close target takes 1d6 damage/level.
Detect Life -- You instantly know whether each Nearby creature is dead, Out of Action, wounded, uninjured, undead, or animated.
Protection from Evil -- Advantage on all harmful tests from an opponent. Lasts 1 hour.
Ray of Enfeeblement -- On a successful Intelligence test, a Nearby, Far-Away or Distant opponent loses 1 point from their Monster Rating. The opponent doesn't lose hit points.

Level 2
Command Undead -- Command 1d4 Close or Nearby undead. Make an INT test to command intelligent undead. Lasts 1 hour.
Gentle Repose -- Preserve a dead body (or severed body parts). Lasts 1 day/level. Days a body is preserved do not count towards the 7 day limit of the Raise Dead spell.
Skeletal Shield -- Animated skeletal body parts act as a Large Shield (2 AP). After every defense of a melee attack, roll d20. Results from 1-5 inflicts damage to the the attacker equal to character's level.
Speak with Dead -- Ask a Nearby corpse 3 questions.

Level 3

Animate Dead -- Create 2d4 Skeletons/Zombies with HD/level, from nearby bodies.
Animate Shadow -- Animate your shadow leaving your uncouscious body behind. As a shadow, you retain your stats and hit points and gain the shadow's special abilities. If reduced to zero hp as a shadow, your return to your body and roll on the Out of Action table.
Deathless -- Target of spell rolls 1d4 on the OofA table instead of 1d6. Any result of Death is re-rolled. Lasts 1 turn.
Imbue Spell -- Imbue one Close Undead the ability to cast one of your spells. You lose the ability to cast the imbued spell that day.

Level 4

Mirror Trap -- Trap a target in a mirror. The target cannot be harmed while trapped in the mirror. He or She will be freed if the mirror breaks. Lasts 1 hr/level.
Shadow Shield -- Covered in shadows, any opponent that successfully harms you takes 1d6 + your level damage. Lasts 1 turn.
Suffocation -- All Nearby opponents fall unconscious. Creatures that do not breath are not affected. Lasts 8 hrs.

Level 5

Control Undead -- Like Command Undead, but no INT test required for intelligent undead.
Spiritual Surgery -- Reaching your hand in the target, you pull out a slimy mass. This spell has the effect of curing poison, removing a curse, or removing a disease. The slimy mass can be thrown at an opponent, a successful hit give the opponent the poison,curse, or disease removed.
Temporary Resurrection -- Temporarily restores life, but not consciousness to a Nearby creature that died within the past 2 days. Without magical healing, the creature will die again in 1 day.

Level 6

Clone -- Creates a duplicate copy of a Nearby creature. Once the original creature dies, the clone will awake with all the creature's memories and abilities.
Soul Trap -- Target of spell is trapped in a non-magical object you choose. This spell lasts until dispeled with a wish or the object is broken. The target can do nothing but communicate with whomever possesses the object.

Level 7

Mind Projection -- Project into the alternate dminesions or planes. Anyone touching you can travel with you.

Having fun working in a hotel in Fredricksburg, VA. Kids are asleep in their bed. The wife and I are working on our computers writing our separate projects.

    Having fun working in a hotel in Fredricksburg, VA. Kids are asleep in their bed. The wife and I are working on our computers writing our separate projects.

Tonight's idea actually dealt with Ability Checks, specifically for things like Naval Maneuvers and/or Naval Combat. This may spread to other areas.

Ships will have a Ship Rating. A character's ship will use it's Ship Rating to modify the ability test. For example, a character's ship attempts to suddenly change course to avoid running up on the rocks.

The character will make a DEX test adding the Ship Rating to their DEX stat.

I'm working with an opposed test, but it feels clunky. Here's the rough idea:

A character is attempting to use their ship to evade an enemy ship:
Character makes a DEX test adding their Ship Rating to the DEX stat. The Ship Rating of the enemy ship is added to the roll.

This require more thought and testing. Rock on, everyone.

It’s been two weeks, but I am finally able to continue plugging away on the Red Concordant. I will be working a bit tonight and tomorrow night. (RL tough stuff created delays, will share if asked privately)

    It's been two weeks, but I am finally able to continue plugging away on the Red Concordant. I will be working a bit tonight and tomorrow night. (RL tough stuff created delays, will share if asked privately)

Tonight's assignment:

Finish the Magic section.

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