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So, with craziness in RL, the brain decides that FASERIP is fun.

    So, with craziness in RL, the brain decides that FASERIP is fun.

I've generated about three characters with a software generator.

My favorite so far is 45 yo chemistry lab assistant that came in contact with a biological agent. She can now create Incredible force fields, has hyper-olfactory powers (Good), Can generate Excellent Heat beams, and can simulate Magic through digestion.

Her highest stat is an 8.

She has a contact that can provide free or greatly-reduced medical help.
She as Monstrous political resources with another nation.

Based on what was rolled, I say that the biological exposure weakened her body, thus the contact with medical help. She is the daughter of a Middle-Eastern or Eastern European ruler, thus the political connections.

Her height was listed as 7'0" with Gray hair and blue eyes. I attribute the height, hair and electric eye color to the biological agent.

She has a molecular allergy that negates her powers while she is in contact with the substance. Titanium? Vibranum? Salt Water?

Edited for clarification. You can always move to a nearby target to engage in a melee attack. With the spell, you do not have to move.

    Edited for clarification. You can always move to a nearby target to engage in a melee attack. With the spell, you do not have to move.

One of my favorite Blue spells so far is Stretch Your Arms.

Stretch Your Arms Level 1 spell:
Once cast, you can extend your arms several feet. You can reach any one object Nearby or perform a Meelee attack on one Nearby target without moving.

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