Sycarion Diversions

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Not so much RPG related except that it involves nandeck, software I mentioned a few days ago.

    Not so much RPG related except that it involves nandeck, software I mentioned a few days ago.

As part of family time on Sunday afternoons/evenings, I'm going to teach the kids about Nandeck.

Recently, both of them have been scouring Goodwill and Thrift stores for alternate versions of Monopoly. I've decided to teach them how to make their own, since they love the game so much.

I don't mind the $2 and $3 dollar purchases here and there, but I also don't want eight copies of Monopoly in the game cabinet. (I'll keep the French version as my wife is conversant in French.)

Whilst noodling around this evening, an idea gripped me that wouldn’t let go.

    <img class="alignnone" src="" alt="" />

Whilst noodling around this evening, an idea gripped me that wouldn't let go.

Using 4C as base, I sketched out the CAPSAMI system. I included Captain Triumph as a sample character.

Combat, which determines success in meele combat

Adroitness, which determines success with ranged attacks, dexterity, and acrobatics.

Power, which determines success with brute physical strength and damage done in melee combat.

Stamina, which determines resistance to physical damage and physical endurance

Acumen, which determines success with knowledge and technology.

Moxie, which determines the success with willpower, mental strength, and magic resistance.

Instinct, which determines the success with perception, awareness, and intuition.

Normal humans range from 3 to 8 in each of these stats.

Roll 3d20 and count the number of dice that are less than, but not equal to, the relevant stat. 0 dice is a failure. 1 die is a minimal success, 2 dice are a success, and 3 dice are a critical success.

Captain Triumph
C: 8 A:6 P:10 S:12 A:6 M:7 I:5

Invisibility (10)
Able to make himself invisible, but not inaudible

Flight (8)
Able to fly up to 30,000 feet, but slower than many planes.

Wrote this post yesterday, but didn’t share to g+. It took me the entire article to realize that zine covers capture the spirit of playing role playing games the best.

    Wrote this post yesterday, but didn't share to g+. It took me the entire article to realize that zine covers capture the spirit of playing role playing games the best. 

Enjoy the other covers of games. Links provided in the post to where you can download our purchases the games featured.

Covers that Capture the Spirit of the Game

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