Sycarion Diversions

Home of the Odd Duk

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Here’s one of the charts so far. Spell level runs along the top, b3d6 roll result along the left side. (Remember b is the backgammon betting die)

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Here's one of the charts so far. Spell level runs along the top, b3d6 roll result along the left side. (Remember b is the backgammon betting die)

Purple = critical success
Green = success
Orange = failure
Black = critical failure

In an OSR game, INT bonuses affect the result by allowing the player to take the result of the roll or a number of rows down equal to the INT bonus.

So if a character has +1 INT, the player can take the result of the roll or the result one row down from the roll. If they roll an 82, they can take either the result for 82 or for 5.

I’m working on the chart for b3d6, but wanted to throw this out there while it’s rattling around in my brain.

    I'm working on the chart for b3d6, but wanted to throw this out there while it's rattling around in my brain.

An easier way to use b3d6 dice is to just set Target Numbers.

So we have a simple mechanic: Roll b3d6 to beat a target number.

The halfway point (50% chance of success) is to roll 23 or better.
For 33.33333% of success, the target number is 35
For 16.666667%, the target number is 67.

Going the other direction, around 66% chance of success is a target number of 17 and for around 83.333333% chance of success, the Target Number is 13.

13, 17, 23, 35, 67

If I wanted to imitate a d6, though, I'd use a d6. Let's use something more memorable like 15, 20, 25, 35, 40, and 65. The first five represent difficulties for mere mortals while the 65 target number is for heroic/epic action.

For those that wonder, the odds of success for rolling TN or better is:

15 - 77.78%
20 - 57.02%
25 - 45.98%
30 - 36.03%
35 - 33.33%
40 - 30.63%

65 - 16.66%

For modifier to a traditional d20 game, I'd add the INT stat to the roll, not the modifier. This will not help for epic rolls at all unless you have a stat above 27.

Okay, the chart is coming soon. 🙂

Presenting this idea to a player is much easier than explaining how it works. This post is about explaining where it came from and how it works. You’ve been warned :)

    Presenting this idea to a player is much easier than explaining how it works. This post is about explaining where it came from and how it works. You've been warned :)

I like a football sim called Paydirt because a team's results appear on one chart and the funky six-sided dice used.

The offensive dice are:
Black die: 1-2-2-3-3-3
White die: 0-0-1-2-3-4
White die: 0-1-2-3-4-5

The defensive dice are:
Red: 1-1-1-2-2-3
Green: 0-0-0-0-1-2

For success with the offensive dice, the black die determined the tens digit and the sum of the white dice provided the ones digit. Results ran from 10 to 39, but 19 was the rarest result while 34 and 35 are the most likely result.

I determined a way to use these paydirt dice to make a class of spell casters that used one of a choice of charts to determine success. All of them were equal, but they looked very different.

On my charts, you rolled the dice and looked under the spell level to see the result. Purple was critical success, Green was success, red of failure, Black was critical failure.

Here a link to the pdf:

The issue was, of course, to use this system required making these funky dice, because they are no longer available. Last night, however, I woke up to an idea that might do something similar with dice that are commonly available, a backgammon betting die {2,4,8,16,32,64} and 3d6. For the sake of reference, I'll call this b3d6

The results are 5 to 50 and 67 to 82. This makes for an interesting chart. 15 is the most common result and {5,34,35,50,67,82} are the least likely results. Using these, I could make a similar chart.

Just an idea. I'll make a chart later.

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