Sycarion Diversions

Home of the Odd Duk

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It turns out that you can have Sicherman d8s. Skip to the end to see three possible Sicherman d8s.

    It turns out that you can have Sicherman d8s. Skip to the end to see three possible Sicherman d8s.

Now I have to ask for blank d8s for Christmas. 🙂

Die #1 - 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
Die #2 - 1 3 5 5 7 7 9 11

Not dead, but with the boy having a birthday this weekend and a speaking engagement tomorrow night, I haven’t posted too much.

    Not dead, but with the boy having a birthday this weekend and a speaking engagement tomorrow night, I haven't posted too much.

Here are my current explorations in no particular order:

  • Markdown Basic Fantasy (completed)
  • Markdown Black Hack (completed)
  • Fighter, Thief, Wizard a WYRM clone with setting (completed)
  • Chart-based spellcasting
  • Playing Card subsystems
  • Set up video recording location
  • The Spelljammer Hack (Spelljammer for The Black Hack)
  • Markdown Microlite20 Omnibus
  • Scribus work
  • Ozer World (Playtested heretical way of playing Dungeon World)
  • Ninjago board game for the boy.

More ongoing ideas and work after the weekend.

Here is a quick mock-up of a finished spell chart.

    Here is a quick mock-up of a finished spell chart.

Making these charts takes some time, there are over 5,000 possible ways to fill in the first column, not to mention the other eight. Yikes!

How does it work? Wizard rolls backgammom betting dice + 3d6 when casting a spell. Go down to the result and over to the column representing the spell level.

Purple is critical success, Green is success, Red is failure, Black is critical failure.

Other fluff information: Wizards actually use these charts, Arcanists study the charts for other reasons, but cannot actually use them to cast spells.

A quadrant represents a specific range of numbers. The primary quadrant is 5-10. The second quadrant is 11-20, the third is 21-30, etc. The final quadrant is 67-82.

Various magic items or wizard abilities grant automatic spell success within a quadrant.

Vocabulary note: In the final version, the word will be each of these sections will be heptant (one piece of a seven part whole) instead of quadrant (one piece of a four part whole).

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