Sycarion Diversions

Home of the Odd Duk

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Three Quick Things:

    Three Quick Things:
  1. Color Coded Magic - I have it on a USB Drive to make it easier to work on. As part of my new workflow, one issue I have is the inability reliably work through Google Drive or Dropbox. (I would prefer Dropbox as I have 1TB there.)

So new workflow is work from USB Drive (including portable Opera browser) for markdown, odt files, and Scribus files. At certain milestones, everything will be uploaded to Dropbox for storage.

  1. The TFT Hack (for lack of a better term). I will work on this by thinking aloud on this collection. The rationale is I haven't decided how far to deviate from the D&D feeling of The Black Hack.

  2. I will begin to post my working aloud sessions on my neglected website ( This will allow a broader audience.

I can post to WordPress with Markdown, but I will instead use an app (Open Live Writer) to post. It interrupts the workflow a bit, but until I switch platforms (not likely, but Ghost looks great) it's the easiest.

From time to time, I’ve seen to blogosphere pose a question along these lines:

    From time to time, I've seen to blogosphere pose a question along these lines:

How would magic be different if the spells in D&D were based on something else.

For example, what if the spells were from The Fantasy Trip instead of Chainmail/OD&D?

So, using W&W, an OGL clone of The Fantasy Trip, I want to look at what that would look like for The Black Hack.

This may be a weekend project, but serves as a test of my workflow to bring crazy ideas into reality.

Once done, I have a module for my Black Hack system to add in not d&d spells.

Left a project off the list from yesterday:

    Left a project off the list from yesterday:
  • Color Coded Magic

I have used the metaphor of colors to help me classify spells. It helps me with spells that seem like they belong to both schools. Seeing that a spell is Red and Blue helps me to identify a potential new school of magic, as opposed to the regular d20/PF names.

Anyway, still cranking away on that as well.

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