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Conversion to 5e

Big news: the cousins (my nephews) got 5e and they invited me to run a game in Minnesota the next time my family visits. My kids now want to play 5e. (They've played a bit of Dungeon World and The Black Hack).

So, the family agreed that I need to get the group back together or form a new group to run a 5e game. The goal is April/May. (Work stuff and other factors prevent anything sooner.)

My kids want to play all kinds of homebrew races/classes, so work begins. I posted in a local group about a game and there was interest in something that is not Adventure League or a published setting.

Time to go through the notebooks and convert a bunch of stuff. Time to make unique dragons instead of the chromatic/metallic/gemstone paradigm. Work begins on converting my toolkits to 5e. Bwa ha ha ha.

Templates for Spatial Descriptions

A topic started by Daniel Dean has prompted me to write up something I've been thinking for a while, the idea of using templates/coordinates as a way of helping verbally talk through complex spaces (e.g. on an audio-only game with no VTT, or describing something to 8 players while you sit behind a GM's screen).

Imagine this picture is one of two or three similar templates printed on the back of the GM's screen. The GM says this:

"The corridor runs for 40' until it opens out into a room. We'll use Arrangement 2 to describe it. You come out in the south wall, at H. Areas ABC are raised, like a stage; there's a curtain along the north wall at the back of it. Creepy, rotating floor lamps are at A and C. There's also a catwalk suspended, diagonally across the room, way above your heads; it runs G to C."

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