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Episode 2 – The Black Hack

In Episode 2, I talk about one of my favorite systems, The Black Hack. The SRD for the first edition is located on Github. The SRD for the second edition is on the Open Gaming Network. The PDF for the 2nd edition is on DriveThruRPG.

I being with voicemails from fellow creators.

The first from Tim Shorts at Gothridge Manor. I respond by talking about a number of languages I speak incorrectly. I also mention 0e Monstrosities from Matt Finch and others.

The second is from "froth" of the Thought Eater podcast. This gives me a reason to talk about my favorite introduction to Tékumel, The Petal Hack by Brett Slocum.

Logan from The Swordbreaker podcast also calls in. I really appreciate all the encouragement from other podcasts. This, of course, provides yet another opportunity to talk about The Petal Hack. (Yes, I call it The Empire Hack three times. In my defense, I was sick.)

I also talk about The Teratic Tome by Rafael Chandler.

I mention two live streams on Twitter available here and here. Then talk about the joys of The Black Hack.

I don't get to the Outro because I feel guilty for the episode link.

My questions for you are:

What is your favorite book about Tékumel? Are there other non-European fantasy setttings you enjoy?

What's your favorite monster book in any edition?

This Old Sword: Episode 1

The first episode of my podcast is titled Fun Things. I spent time responding to other Anchor podcasters before sharing my own content in the next episode.

Tim Shorts over at Gothridge Manor talks about creating a naming language after a few calls-ins about whips. I leave him a message about my experiences with creating these languages and using them in-game.

Larry Hamilton at Follow Me and Die talks about the Read & Write Magic spells, so of course I feel the need to talk about how I don't use either of those spells as written in the rules.

Charles Thorin advises us to throw out our Monster Manual. I couldn't agree more and I go on to ramble about one-line stat blocks.

I worry about sounding pretentious.

By accident, I include an Intro to the Episode 2 about the Black Hack. I also manage to introduce voice messages, but don't actually include them until the next episode.

So all in all, I manage to record 1.25 episodes in my inaugural episode. Not bad for a cell phone and a free app!

Changes in Savage Worlds

Geek and Sundry takes a look at Savage Worlds:Adventure Edition. I was interested to read it because of my past attempts to write adventures for it. I was also interested in it because it is fun to play.

The biggest change I liked right away was the change to the Shaken rule. The post describes how one small change has a big impact on preventing characters from feeling like that they are just running in place.

The other changes seem to focus more on non-combat characters. They get to play more of a role in the game due to changes in the skill system.

Read the post for the details, If you enjoy playing Savage Worlds, you'll find the changes are significant without changing gameplay from how you play now.

I will definitely get this when the pdf comes out.

Other Ideas

Drangonsfoot has Savage Worlds material for playing Torg along with other adventures and settings. After getting the pdf, I wonder how this material would hold up?

I'm also curious about Advanced Dungeons and Savages. With the new helps in the Adventure Editon for creating races, I would like to see more player races.


I haven't thought about Savage Worlds in years. I didn't know about the Kickstarter for a nee edition, either. Reading the article brought back the excitement I had reading the rules for the first time.

Now to be patient for the pdf release. If you were a backer, tell me what you like about the new edition.


It looks like the pdf is already up on DrivethruRPG. Time to spend a few bucks to see for myself.

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