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Item Creation for the ACKS Psionicist

Who knew? I actually got to do some coding over the past few days at work. My evenings have been very full as well. That has left me no time at all to work on fun stuff. To that end, I'm posting everything pre-alpha so that folks can use it however they wish.

I already put out the ACKS Psionic Combat on Google+. The psionicist character is d4+2 and 2200XP for 2nd level. The psionicist also has +2 to save against all Illusions and Charm spells. I mentioned the phrenic scourge as one of the creatures in the bestiary.

What's left? Item Creation.

ACKS Item Creation relies on spell levels to determine time and cost. Since psionic powers use point costs instead of levels, this makes the formulas very tricky. Determining the level from the point cost is not too terribly complex, but it makes for a major slowdown in creating items. In an attempt to speed up item creation and to make the psionicist more weird, I've made item creation for psionics contingent on creating one of two substances. Feel free to do what you like with these ideas. Let me know if you use them. Any and all editing help welcomed. Despite having an English degree (well, Medieval British Literature, Non-Chaucer), I've never been able to adequately edit my own writing.

I will say that some things mentioned here are detailed in other documents I haven't posted yet. For example, ghosts are mentioned but no stats are provided. Monday's post will have Wild Talents. Thursday's post will have detailed psionic combat.

Here's the details on Psionic Item Creation to this point:

Quintessence and Heptessence

Psionicists are able to create two unique materials based on their knowledge of how other planes of existence interact our world. Quintessence is the fundamental substance contained in all non-sentient things like stone, wood or metal. Heptessence is the fundamental substance that imbues life to all creatures, except for plants. Each of these materials exist in three different forms: raw, distilled and purified. The raw form is the least potent and the purified form is considered the most potent.

Psionicists use these materials to create items charged with psionic power such as enchanted stones, dorjes, astral constructs or potions.

Quintessence – The properties of this material allow the mending an object, healing constructs or provide base material for the Exchange proficiency. Quintessence is also required for creatin Astral Constructs.

Raw Quintessence costs 500gp and two days to manufacture. Distilled Quintessence requires 4 days and 1000gp to create. Purified Quintessence requires 1 week and costs 1500gp to create.

Raw Quintessence can mend a small object, restore 1 hull point to a ship, restore 1d6 hit points to any construct and provides 200gp of value for use by the Exchange proficiency. Distilled Quintessence has double the power of Raw Quintessence. Purified Quintessence has double the power of Distilled Quintessence.

Heptessence – The properties of heptessence, include healing, curing posions and reversing the effects of aging caused by the touch of a ghost. As a distilled form of life force, this cannot be used as a base material for the Exchange proficiency. Heptessence is necessary for the creation of an enchanted stone and a dorje.

Raw Heptessence can heal 1d6+1 hit points of a living creature, reverse 1d4 years of aging caused by a Ghost, and allow a psionicist to place a Talent inside an Enchanted Stone or Dorje. It costs 500gp and requires 4 days to manufacture.

Distilled Heptessence can heal 2d6+2 hit points, provide an antidote for any non-magical poison, reverse 2d4 years of magical aging, and allow a psionicist to place a Technique inside an Enchanted Stone or Dorje

Purified Heptessence can heal 3d6+3 hit points, provide an antidote for any posion, Cure Disease per Divine Spell, Cure Blindness per Divine spell, reverse 3d4 years of magical aging, and allow a psionicist to place a Practice inside an Enchanted Stone or Dorje.

Enchanted Stone – An enchanted stone is a gemstone imbued with one charge of a psionic power. To create an Enchanted Stone, a psionicist will need a gemstone with worth 50gp per power point cost and the appropriate form of Heptessence. An Enchanted Stone requires one week per two power points (rounding down) to create. The time required for creating an Enchanted Stone with a Talent that costs 1 power point is 3 days.

Dorje – A Noble Stone, or dorje, is a gemstone or specially crafted metal object imbued with multiple charges of a psionic power. To create a dorje, a psionicist will need a gemstone or specially crafted metal object worth 100gp per power point cost and the appropriate form of Heptessence. A dorje requires one day per power point cost times the number of charges to create.

Gamer ADD and ACKS Development

I continue to plug away on my ACKS Psionicist and I'm happy with where things are going. I've had positive feedback on the psionic combat system. It feels more streamlined and can handle up to four simultaneous combatants. Wild Talents as Proficiencies works well. Higher level play comes with building Academies. Higher level play also features Rituals. They are similar to ritual spells for mages. Psionicists can create dorjes as psionic item similar to mage scrolls. High level psionicist can also create Astral Constructs (this doesn't function like crossbreeds, but is an equivalent ability) and generate Thralls (equivalent to a mages that choose to become necromancers).

Thralls are interesting because it grants the psionicist complete control over an individual or creature. A thrall is not mindless, but they cannot act contrary to their master's wishes. This ability opens up many possibilities for play. For example, a thrall could be a local government official or even the King! A psionicist may decide to make an entire village into thralls. The truly ambitious could make extraplanar creatures into thralls thereby manipulating the politics of the Outer Planes. Outside of politics, though, the use of thralls allows a psionicist to generate an army fairly quickly, especially armies comprised of the typical minions of evil (ogres, orcs, bugbears,etc). Every soldier is not a thrall, but the commanders most certainly would be. In fact, one of the psionic creatures in the bestiary does this quite frequently.

Psionicists themselves can help a party in many different ways. The most easily recognizable way they can assist the party is through their utility. In some ways they function as a mage, albeit with some spells that are just weird by comparison. Some of the psionicists' powers allow the character to temporarily gain a couple Thief abilities like Open Locks and Hide in Shadows. They can even do a bit of minor healing. The other major way they help the party is that they are the best equipped to deal with extraplanar creatures and truly alien encounters. Although I don't include ancient technology or lasers and things in the documentation, if you have them, the psionicists will be the best equipped to handle it. They are masters of the weird. In some settings, they would make a great alternative to a Swords & Sorcery wizard.

What does all this have to do with Gamer ADD? What started as a custom class has turned into something much larger. It will take me longer to finish than I thought. To do the class right in ACKS requires stronghold rules (thus the academies). To do psionics right requires a bestiary (and the phrenic scourge at a minimum.) Astral constructs were not in the original idea, but I've added them as a higher level option. My gamer ADD wants to also add rules for automatons as well. Automaton would be kind of like golems with limited construction materials and a weight limit. Otherwise, they are designed to be mobile psionic power platforms. They are okay bodyguards as they can move and fight on their own. For their real abilities, though, they need the psionicist nearby to activate their powers. One of their cool powers, if I decide to finish them, would be their usage as a means to teleport very large distances. One could be placed somewhere in the astral sea, another planet, or half way around the world, but because of the powers infused in the automaton, the psionicist can teleport to it with relative ease.

Mostly, though, I feel like defining the role of the psionicist is most important. In the earliest drafts, psionicists were more like anti-clerics. They had the same powers as Clerics, but instead of receiving power through devotion to a deity, their power came from an inner source. It makes for interesting role-playing that the Cleric in the party may not like the Psionicist. It occurred to me that if they are simply Clerics with a different power source, that I am just making a class similar to the Bladedancer. Since I am aiming for a fifth core class, this doesn't feel correct. In later drafts, the psionicist role was simply to be the second string fighter, thief, cleric or mage depending on what the party would need. That's not really a role, though. That's just saying that this new class is a combination of the other four classes. Again, this isn't a fifth category, but mashup of the other four.

So I've chosen to define the psionicist an alternate spellcaster solves problems through powers that morph the manifester's body or control the actions of others.The psionicist is very direct in getting what he or she wants. If the manifester can't transform himself into something to address an issue, he can directly manipulate others to do it for him. Psionicists tend to be direct in combat at lower level, but learn to use their unique powers at higher levels. They are able to inspire those around them through the force of their personality. They are also acutely aware of the reality of the multiverse behind what can be experienced through the five senses. It isn't unusual for a psionicist to connect with extraplanar creatures or beings on other planets. They are rarely surprised. As they advance in levels it becomes almost impossible for a psionicist to experience shock, awe, or horror. The psionicists sees himself as the conduit between the world most people experience and the reality that actually guides the multiverse on its course. They can go anywhere, be anything and change reality.

I really do hope to be finished with the supplement this week. It will be fairly rough, but I want to get it out rather than spend the time on editing. Until then, work continues.

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