Sycarion Diversions

Home of the Odd Duk

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We’re Getting the Band Back Together

I posted my website on my Twitter profile and quite a few folks subscribed to the blog.

As a result, I feel the need reestablish the blog before the summer.

The kids are playing 5e thanks to their uncle. I am working on a campaign called Staff of the eXo for them. It is less stabby by their request and more exploratory. You can read more about it here:

The post that best describes me is the I Made My Own Edition post. It informs how I approach D&D and lots of other games.

I am also working to expand the 864 System originally created by Dice and Pencils. Kerc has also created 52 Fates, something that is definitely worth your time.

More to come next week.

Thank you for following my website.

The Staff of the eXo

My kids began playing D&D with my brother-in-law. Then he bought them the PHB and Volo's Guide for Christmas.

After one session, they were ready for another.

That was Thanksgiving and we were finally able to start on Session Zero over a snow-day induced extra extended weekend. I asked the usual questions about what they wanted. Here is a bullet point version of what I understood:

  • Quest for an item or artifact.
  • They want to find and discern clues to the location as they go along.
  • Multiple groups are after this item, at least one of them with evil intent.
  • No Big Bad required.
  • Visit new places.
  • Learn new skills/feats/magic.
  • The dolphins they have played with since they were 3 must be incorporated somehow.
  • Visit weird places. (This was a separate item to them.)
  • Meet different kinds of peoples and cultures. (Clarified from earlier tweet about this.)
  • Desire to be the guardian of artifact after they find it.
  • Okay to use it once, but not for killing something.

I thought about an artifact as an object of their quest and turned to an old friend for inspiration. Looking through the 1e DMG, I found the Rod of Seven Parts.

Most recently, the kids have asked to include their mother, so we are going to roll up her character soon.

This has generated the world that I call the Staff of the eXo. More to come.

2020 Hopes

Around the holidays, I was able to post quite a bit about magic systems and a few other things. I've been quieter within the past 2 weeks, though, because I have been writing offline quite a bit. As a result, here are the things I hope for in 2020:

Words of Power Series

I plan to finish these up pretty soon. Mostly because this set of posts leads into the next project.

Regional Magic Book

I have been trying to generate D&D-ish magic systems for years. Once, I even created a system based on the Paydirt footbal game. I have finally managed to create a series of systems that different from each other, yet can inform each other. These systems include systems that feature gematria, alien scripts, spontaneous casting, spell building, artifact hacking, found magic, and more.

I've mentioned some of the systems before like salt magic, spontaneous casting, and gematria. I found that making any individual system work came from making them interrelated. I have a campaign world that explains why they are different and common threads that make them all related. It's been a long, ground-up world building that I hope is useful to others, at least for mining ideas, if nothing else.

The document should be ready for testing in Feburary and out in PDF in the Spring for Swords & Wizardry. (I would love to have it for OSE, but there are conventions is S&W that appeal to me.) If I am lucky, a month later will have a 5e version. I have one more magic system to tweak before working on editing this month.

Eye of the Needle

Using M20 Spacecraft as a starting point, I want to finish this setting in the Summer of 2020. A lot is already written, but I need to finish the trading system. This will be less of a priority than the regional magic book, but one it is a passion project for me as I love the central location in this setting, a hole in the ground that takes you to another planet.

EPiC Engines

I have written this Black Hack & SAGA-inspired game that uses only a deck of cards. I stopped work due to 52 Fates, a system that just works differently in many wonderful ways. That said, I still want to give this to the world. I had so much fun making and testing this.

No time limit on this, but if I can get other projects completed, this is a document that just needs some editing and tweaking of the magic system.

I plan to make some non-traditional games with all kinds of wild ideas on my nascent itch site. (No link because, well, no content.) I have a bunch of half-finished games that use odd dice combinations, tokens, and custom cards.

Tyrian Purple is an example of the types of things I want to post there. It doesn't have any custom components, pro se, but it is a competitive card game that playtested well. I still want to simplify bartering, though.

2020 Plans

Those are the plans. As I mentioned earlier, I will finish the Words of Power series of posts. The podcast will fire back up with little bits of goodness here and there. I also plan to post more on 5e as my kids want to play it. So far, I have all manner of sidekicks and creatures inspired by their adventures.

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