Home of the Odd Duk

Now for the Duration of the spell.

    Now for the Duration of the spell.

It is listed as one turn with an upkeep cost of one spell point per turn.

In TBH, I would think that this is rounds. So do I keep spell points?

I could go with a duration of Concentration for the spell. It's new to The Black Hack and different enough, but if I don't give it a point cost, I'll have to deal with picking a level for it.

I changed one of the factor that goes into determining the spell level in a D&D-ish spell already, so let's just decide we need a spell point system. (Besides, that'll be more fun.)

For now, the duration is one round plus one round for every spell point spent. Does that mean spending a point per round or putting a number of spell points into it ahead of time.

Why not both? More tonight. 🙂

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  1. Jesse Cox

    Did you see my Spell Item System? It’s originally based on a breakdown of D&D spells (not AD&D)

    I went for only four durations — concentration, until you rest, until you sleep, and longer than that.

    I decided to not do “N rounds” because I found that counting would get lost, or would bog down things.

    docs.google.com – aBDB: Spell Item System

  2. Jesse Cox

    (It’s designed to be viewed in print layout)

  3. John Payne

    Jesse Cox thank you, I’ll look at it.

  4. John Payne

    Jesse Cox Bento Dungeon is a great idea. I have been following it with great interest.

    I’ve read through the spell system and I like it quite a bit. Specifically to this post, the durations fit well with The Black Hack’s aesthetic. Distances are Close, Near, Far-Away, and Distant. It would fit really well for the durations to be Instant (think magic missile type spells), until I think about something else (concentration), until I rest (short), until I sleep (long), and until it stops (anything longer than a day up to and including permanent).

    I think I’ll use something like this in the future. When I do, until it stops will mean that it can be dismissed by the caster at any time and/or that it will last until the caster dies.

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