Home of the Odd Duk

Not dead, but with the boy having a birthday this weekend and a speaking engagement tomorrow night, I haven’t posted too much.

    Not dead, but with the boy having a birthday this weekend and a speaking engagement tomorrow night, I haven't posted too much.

Here are my current explorations in no particular order:

  • Markdown Basic Fantasy (completed)
  • Markdown Black Hack (completed)
  • Fighter, Thief, Wizard a WYRM clone with setting (completed)
  • Chart-based spellcasting
  • Playing Card subsystems
  • Set up video recording location
  • The Spelljammer Hack (Spelljammer for The Black Hack)
  • Markdown Microlite20 Omnibus
  • Scribus work
  • Ozer World (Playtested heretical way of playing Dungeon World)
  • Ninjago board game for the boy.

More ongoing ideas and work after the weekend.

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  1. Audrey Winter

    What can you tell me about Fighter, Thief, Wizard?

  2. John Payne

    Sun Damage Omen I ran a Dungeon World group for months. I did the following heretical things:

    *Rule Zero:* All moves were stated in plain English, not the stated name on the moves sheet. (I really did not like the players constantly staring at the moves list to see what they could do instead of telling me what they wanted to do.)

    * Class Moves remained the same, but were treated as abilities.

    * The players did not want to do session zero

    * I rolled dice, but only for background things like random encounters. All rolls for combat, exploration, negotiation, searching, etc were still player facing.

    * I allowed any class concept that didn’t grant instant 10s,11s, or 12s.

    * I granted XP for things that are not considered correct by the rules.

    * Once per session, a player could appeal to the metal dice of judgement. (I have two heavy d6s. Roll of 10+, player got his wish and I gained XP. Roll of 7 to 9, no one got XP and what the player wanted would happen, but I was able to make a Hard Move. Failure and I made two Hard Moves and the player did not gain XP. [I also laughed maniacally, but that is not going to be in the rules.])

    * Any action considered to be Discern Reality was not 100% accurate if I spent an XP. [this wasn’t mean, but my players abused this move instead of actually poking and prodding.])

    * The GM could level up (but I never did). Leveling up granted powers that did not cost xp for the first usage. It also allowed (at xp cost) rolling as an NPC.

    Since the only way the GM could get XP was to appeal to the dice of judgement, I never gained more than 3 XP.

  3. John Payne

    Audrey Winter drive.google.com – FighterThiefWizard.pdf

    It’s based on Warrior, Rogue, Mage written by Stargazer Games. It includes a setting, races, and a few other things.

  4. Audrey Winter

    I am well-familiar with WR&M, John Payne — I was the editor. 😉

  5. John Payne

    Sun Damage Omen There’s always a chance. Part of the effort to get a workflow going was to prevent time lost to endless tweaking of Word/LibreOffice documents.

  6. John Payne

    Audrey Winter My apologies. I totally let that slip my mind. It’s my house rules for it.

  7. Audrey Winter

    Perfectly fine! I was snickering the whole time. Grabbed the document, I’ll give it a read later on. Looking forward to it!

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