Home of the Odd Duk

Keith J Davies has pointed out to me that every post here usually builds on the one before. Even when I change the subject, I usually reference earlier posts here.

    Keith J Davies has pointed out to me that every post here usually builds on the one before. Even when I change the subject, I usually reference earlier posts here.

I'll try to provide a bit more explanation. As someone that studied The Cantos (Ezra Pound) for a grade, I understand that having some kind of map is helpful.

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  1. Keith J Davies

    It was more in the nature of an observation than a criticism. Many people do the same thing, and I’m almost the poster child for it.

    There are a few things that can help.

    A link to the previous bit would be a big help. If you’ve got a series, perhaps an anchor post that has links (in the comments) to the various posts in the series.

    Or post them all up on sycarion and copy here with the links, so the repository is available in one place.

  2. John Payne

    Keith J Davies I didn’t take it as a criticism at all. Sorry if I made it seem that way.

    I took it as good-natured and helpful feedback.

    I keep meaning to put these things together for a post at sycarion, but RL happens. I’ll keep trying. 🙂

    For now, I’ll link to previous post where I can. I’m used to seeing my collection as a whole instead of one post in the stream, so I can forget that others don’t read G+ that way. 🙂

  3. Keith J Davies

    Heh, that comment wasn’t really for you, I trusted that you knew where I was coming from, but for those who might have thought I was criticizing you.

  4. Keith J Davies

    And I really shouldn’t mutter too much about not posting to the blog, I haven’t had any significant blog posts in months.

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