Home of the Odd Duk

I’m working on the chart for b3d6, but wanted to throw this out there while it’s rattling around in my brain.

    I'm working on the chart for b3d6, but wanted to throw this out there while it's rattling around in my brain.

An easier way to use b3d6 dice is to just set Target Numbers.

So we have a simple mechanic: Roll b3d6 to beat a target number.

The halfway point (50% chance of success) is to roll 23 or better.
For 33.33333% of success, the target number is 35
For 16.666667%, the target number is 67.

Going the other direction, around 66% chance of success is a target number of 17 and for around 83.333333% chance of success, the Target Number is 13.

13, 17, 23, 35, 67

If I wanted to imitate a d6, though, I'd use a d6. Let's use something more memorable like 15, 20, 25, 35, 40, and 65. The first five represent difficulties for mere mortals while the 65 target number is for heroic/epic action.

For those that wonder, the odds of success for rolling TN or better is:

15 - 77.78%
20 - 57.02%
25 - 45.98%
30 - 36.03%
35 - 33.33%
40 - 30.63%

65 - 16.66%

For modifier to a traditional d20 game, I'd add the INT stat to the roll, not the modifier. This will not help for epic rolls at all unless you have a stat above 27.

Okay, the chart is coming soon. 🙂

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  1. Audrey Winter

    What can I read for more information on this project? I’m intrigued but I feel like I missed something.

  2. John Payne

    Audrey Winter This is actually my first post here on it. A few years ago, I made a chart based spellcaster for Swords & Wizardry here:

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