I don't want to overstate my process from markdown to final product. There are still fiddly bits that take some time. Having said that, though, the process does save a lot of time.

One of the fiddly bits is tables. I use a program called Typora to make tables in markdown. The time needed to enter a table is drastiacally reduced. Cool, right?

However, when I convert the markdown file into LibreOffice format, I need to touch every table to format it correctly. There's no way in the template to pre-format the tables. Plus, Typora requires every table to have a header. Great for random tables, awful for monster stats. So, there's a bit of time touching every monster entry to remove the top row.

Making Black Hack stuff, no issues at all because monster entries don't use tables. Making Basic Fantasy and traditional OSR stuff...

The second fiddly thing is image placement in Scribus. Every new document requires some tweaking because the text is different. Minor annoyance, but I don't know of a way to avoid it.

With all that, though, I'm still happy to be where I am with workflow processes. Still tweaking, but I feel closer to being able to pay off my idea debt than ever before.