Home of the Odd Duk

Hope to work today on the Blue spells and start on the Red spells.

    Hope to work today on the Blue spells and start on the Red spells.

With Red, I am trying to avoid the obvious connections to blood, but using sanguine as a key idea, I'm looking at Bard-like spells. Red will also include more attack spells.

Will post Blue spells when done.

Look ma, no gematria!

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  1. Kyrinn S. Eis

    Are these bringing MTG Colour Magic to D&Ds?

  2. John Payne

    Kyrinn S. Eis Not really. I was inspired by MTG colors, but some of the guidelines I use don’t match up. I also have more colors, but I haven’t touched on the Purple, Dark Blue, and the other colors I have.

    I saw something on the Piazza that provided guidelines for D20 spells to M:TG colors. If I can find it, I’ll link it.

  3. Kyrinn S. Eis

    Either is cool.
    I am looking forward to these. 😀

  4. John Payne

    Kyrinn S. Eis That is encouraging. Thank you!

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