Home of the Odd Duk

From time to time, I’ve seen to blogosphere pose a question along these lines:

    From time to time, I've seen to blogosphere pose a question along these lines:

How would magic be different if the spells in D&D were based on something else.

For example, what if the spells were from The Fantasy Trip instead of Chainmail/OD&D?

So, using W&W, an OGL clone of The Fantasy Trip, I want to look at what that would look like for The Black Hack.

This may be a weekend project, but serves as a test of my workflow to bring crazy ideas into reality.

Once done, I have a module for my Black Hack system to add in not d&d spells.

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  1. Paolo Greco

    That’s what I did with Marvels & Malisons and Chthonic Codex. The game is much different. In fact I think that d&d is about its magic, monsters and treasures, and if you change those the game is much different.

  2. John Payne

    Paolo Greco Then it sounds like good fun to me. 🙂
    I was one of those weird GMs in high school that would run multiple rule systems at time during a game session. Whenever they conflicted, I made up something on the fly.

    Why yes, your hovertank scored 70 billionty damage on the Tarrasque. It stands back up. Care to try the Hellfire missiles? Your sphere of annihilation?

    Oh yeah, teleport it to the dropship and drop it off in hyperspace. Good plan. Your dropship takes eleventy million points of damage. Wreckage falls planetward. Everyone dies. 🙂

  3. John Payne

    Paolo Greco On a serious note, D&D is definitely its magic and iconic monsters. Even changing just the spells makes it different. I guess that’s what I’m going for.

    BTW, really wanted both of those products. They sounded really cool. 🙂

  4. Paolo Greco

    Ha 🙂 thanks. I might have some m&m left, and CC pod is coming together.

    But yeah there’s a certain strong iconography in d&d that is really not “vanilla”, yet is hard to see as today’s d&d is not only much different from the early one but also inspired so much cultural products that its influences are everywhere.

  5. John Payne

    Paolo Greco True enough. Kobolds are very different today in new versions from the old. Troglodytes are barely mentioned, it seems in new versions.

    I do like the idea of new races/classes to a certain point, but I think what is fun is finding out how not d&d something can be, yet still fun to play.

    Good luck on the C&C POD!

  6. Brett Slocum

    I like this idea. It’s on my list of things to do. Look at The No-Class Hack for inspiration on the system side.

  7. John Payne

    Brett Slocum i will do that.

  8. Keith J Davies

    This is part of why Echelon is designed the way it is. Want to replace the magic system? Drop the old talents and use these ones instead.

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