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Category: Paper Pills (Page 15 of 21)

A Few Things Occur to Me

As I am working on a summer 5e campaign, a few things stand out to me:

I should change my neglected Twitter handle to TheHardWayDM. I am enjoying going about this campaign the hard way. (I changed it to TheOddDM)

For example, I'm not using any of the monsters in the MM. Why? Because the cousins got the MM for their father's birthday and they have already memorized it.

I set up a node.js server to handle my personal Creature Catalog so that I can see the stats on my phone and use the laptop for something else. I do this knowing full well that I will use pencils, papers, and printouts for the actual sessions.

Seriously, though, I will have RaspberryPi set up just to be a server.

I have none of the standard races except human. I just have to convert them to 5e.

I want to do theater-of-the-mind play. This is mostly because I can't afford good battlemats.

Anyway, I have found that I seem to tackle all my projects the hard way. Yet, this is the most fun.

I guess the difference in this project is that kids want to play.

The last thing that is very lightly related: I want to use Miltonian Tattoo font paired with Lato for everything.

Apologies for grainy picture. More info and link to source code available at critterdb.com

I have successfully set up a local copy of the Critterdb server on my linux box. This makes it easy to type in various creatures for the April/May 5e game.

Bwa ha ha.

Installed nosqlclient as a gui to manage the backend database.

World domination begins...

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