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The Manus and Pria

In the vast Astral Sea are countless planes. Each one has distinctive qualities that make it different from any other plane. On each plane is a being that is composed of the plane's very essence - it is made up of those qualities that make the plane distinctive. These primordial beings or primordials take form in various ways. Many primordials take on the physical essence of a plane. Others, like the Pria, take on the spiritual essence of their home world.

Cerah is a place of vivid colors. Like the Prime Material Plane, there are brightly-colored flowers, but on Cerah the colors are richer, deeper and almost palpable. Regardless of the climate found on all three continents, there is abundant life and life forms. It is not necessarily idyllic as death is also a part of life, but the sensations to all five senses are richer and more intense.

Amongst the gods worshiped here, the most popular are  Kehindupan and his wife Kemashian. Throughout the three continents, any race with sentience has constructed temple-library complexes to honor them. The Temple-Library is also an institution of higher learning and students stream in to study the collected knowledge of Cerah.

Despite the universal love for Kehinupan and Kemashian, only the Manus and the Pria become priests for them. These two races have a special relationship to these gods. The Manus were the first-created on Cerah. They believe that they are created in form and spirit like gods of life and death. As a mark of their favor, the Manus were given a secret knowledge to create a soul. The use of this knowledge is not perceived as an abomination, but as a tribute to the powerful gods of life and death. Manusian priests spend years in study to learn the secret to making the Exilir of Souls and using it to create the Pria.

The first Pria created is the same gender as the priest. When created, the Pria is an adult, but the creating priest spends at least five years training their creation how to interact with society. Priests of Kehindupan are renown for authoring masterworks about etiquette and social graces. Using these books and other materials, a Pria learns about the world around them and how to interact in society like the Manus.

One to three years after creating the first Pria, the priest will create a second one of the opposite gender. A priest will never create more than two. The created Pria consider themselves siblings.

Most created Pria remain near the temple-libraries where they were created. Regardless of where they decide to live, the Pria are devout worshipers of Kehindupan and Kemashian. Usually they choose to be priests, paladins or mystic theurges with a tremendous talent for alchemy.

Prian marriages are arranged by the Manusian priests.  Siblings cannot marry each other. A few marriages are arranged to gain favor or position within church hierarchy, most, however, are arranged by a byzantine set of rules known as the Diyerni Zor. The purpose of the Diyerni Zor is to prevent health issues with the children of Pria. Pria couples are not limited to the number of children they may have. Large families are common.

Freeborn Pria are like a Manus in every respect. The only hint that points to their ancestry is  a lock of silver and red hair. Not all freeborn Pria  have this distinctive mark. Otherwise, Pria are physically a slightly idealized form of the Manus. Pria do not consider themselves superior in any way, but those outside of Cerah usually consider the Pria more beautiful. Both the Manusians and the Pria appear as humans approximately six feet tall. They have an elongated head and a very flat nose with a single nostril shaped like a horizontal slit. On their foreheads is a barely noticeable vestigial third eye. Their arms and fingers are proportionally longer than a human's. Both races prefer to dress in simple robes of white with a brightly-colored sash. The robes also conceal the fact that both races appear bowlegged. This is due to a limited hinge joint located half-way between the knee and the hip.

In game terms, I imagine the Priests of Kehindupan and Kemashian are similar to the Newhonian White Wizards featured at the Hill Cantons site. The post with the revised PDF is here. They also have the power to imbue a handful of spells to the Pria they created. (This ability is similar to the Psionic ability to imbue abilities.) The Pria doesn't pray to their Manusian creator, but mentions their creator in prayers to Kehindupan and Kemashian.

One specialty of the Manusian Priests is alchemy. Learning to create a Pria provides experience in making various potions and understand their effect on the body. The alchemy is also essential to create the Exilir of Souls, a substance that allows the Manusian to create a soul at all.

The Men of Iron and Stone

A new kind of primordial. This is a bit different in that I do not describe the plane as much as the distinctive physical features of the primordials themselves.

The Men of Iron and Stone (Menois) stand roughly five and half feet tall to six feet tall. They appear as hairless humanoids with webbed hands and no outer ears. They are primarily carnivores that prefer the taste of red meat. Any kind of farming is done solely for the benefit of livestock. They are very sensitive to water and will not come in contact with it for any length of time. Water doesn't cause any damage, but produces an uncomfortable feeling akin to nausea. For this reason, all Menois carry a coin made of zinc. If an individual Menois needs to have contact with water for any length of time, the Menois will place the coin in their mouth for the duration of their contact.

Their name comes from the fact that their bodies appear to be composed of stone with areas of metal floating on top covering a small area. Despite the appearance of stone, their flesh is similar to soft leather. Each Menois is distinctive as the amount and location of the metal covering an individual's body is unique to that individual. Most Menois have twenty to fifty percent of their body covered in half-inch think metal. The metal has flexibility, but remains as tough as steel. Commonly, the metal usually covers an entire hand or limb with a small amount forming an type of birth mark on their abdomen. The metal will also shift to cover an area of the body perceived to be in the most danger. During battle, the iron will cover the entire chest, the face and head before covering other areas.

The Menois breathe through their skin covering the "stone" part of their bodies. As a result, they wear very light clothing or none at all. The unique nature of their bodies does not permit wearing any kind of armor or using shields. Except in battle, the abdomen is always exposed to allow individual Menois to identify each other by their birthmarks. Due to their webbed hands, they also do not wear rings. Outside of light clothing, they also paint on the stone and metal parts of their bodies. These temporary tattoos are popular and fairly common.

Culturally, the Menois refer to the dual nature of their bodies as Yerkat (the iron) and Kav (soft stone or clay). The metal part of their bodies represent strength, focus, heat, aggression, fire, sky, and light. The stone part of their bodies represents the opposite qualities: softness, diffuse, cold, passivity, water, earth, femininity and darkness. In game terms, this makes them neutral in regards to law and chaos as the Menois believe that both work together.

Those Menois that study magic research spells and craft magical items for a unique kind of magic that affects the metal part of their bodies. The most common spells and items  increase the size of metal covering their bodies. They have already discovered magic that allows for covering the entire body; the difficulty in their research pertains to breathing once the entire body is covered. No more than ninety percent of the body can be covered in metal or the Menois will die. Despite records from their ancients describing Y'Mard Odayin (The Breathing Man), no magic has yet been discovered that will allow a Menois to breathe while covered completely.

Other spells and magic items manipulate the metal of their bodies into weapons and shields. The unique nature of their bodies allows them to use only magic items that are one-handed weapons, staves or potions. The Menois craft special magic items designed to fit as a thin plate inside their mouths as the inside of the mouth is one of the few parts of the body that does not change as the metal sheath moves around their body.

The Menois' home plane is characterized by a complete lack of rain. It never rains and fog of any kind is extremely rare. Despite the presence of two large oceans and an abundance of lakes, it does not rain. Menois legends speak of the time of the ancients when large bodies of water did not exist in their home plane. The ancients devised a plan to create the two great seas by crafting gates that connect their world with plane(s) that were mostly water. In fact, first contact was made with humans when the ancients attempted to build a gate on the humans' home world.

The presence of these gates leads to constant enmity between the Menois and the Water Primordials. Water Primordials will generally attack Menois on sight if circumstances allow: the Menois are seen by them as ancient aggressors and thieves. Outside of Water Primordials, the Menois have no major enemies.

Just Do It

I've met a couple of guys that are interested in running a game on a consistent basis. What will if this works out an I'm in a consistent group that meets together? Possibly go into shock.

Aside from that, I am now faced with bringing together all my stuff together into something cohesive and understandable. See, I explained that I play a hodgepodge of rulesets combined together to resemble 1.5 D&D. Both guys were excited about it.

As a result, I now have the impetus to put Andras together. At least, I've have to create the player's book and the creature collection books.

Will it be as beautiful as Greg Christopher's creations? Not at all. I can't even do the art of an xkcd.com comic. It will probably feature text walls and tables.

So I have the entire 3.0 SRD in rtf. I'll start from there and edit until Andras emerges like a sculpture from a block of granite. Why the 3.0 SRD? For one, it has the psionic attack/defense modes featured in the older versions of D&D. For another, it is closer to 2e than the 3.5 SRD. Sure, I'll have to cut out feats and the classes, but whatever I put back in will be attributed to the correct folks. Some things will come from Labyrinth Lord, LLAEC and Basic Fantasy, other things will come from other OGL postings around the web and the Grand OGL Wiki. I'll have my own stuff as well, like the d20+d10 mechanic, but I plan on being more specific in my section 15 of the OGL. For example, I plan on including the Phrenic Scourge from Lion's Den Press and will say as much.

Will I finish? Well, yes, but I hope the answer has changed from someday to sometime in the next three or four months. As things progress, the pdf and odf files will become available in my downloads section.

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