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Follikyn Skraa

Rollage is a False Prime that exists as a very close facsimile of the Prime Material Plane with an alternate history. In this history, Northern Tribes were the primary civilization for hundreds of years. The peace has been brokered, in large part, through the inspiration of the plane's primordials, the Follkyn Skraa.

Follikyn Skraa, Skraa for short, are an ancient race that have come to symbolize transformation and the constancy of change. When live born from their mother, they appear as giant earthworms, caterpillars or millipede-like creatures featuring massive rock-like plates, similar to an ankylosaurus. Upon reaching thirteen years of age, a skraa will begin a year of constant eating. At the end of that year, the skraa will look for a hiding place to build a chrysalis. These hiding places are often underground. After two months in chrysalis, the skraa emerges as a magnificent winged reptile.

In this form, the skraa has brightly colored scales, six limbs and leathery, bat-like wings. As the skraa grows in size, it sheds its skin every one to two years. Over time, the brightly colored scales begin to fade and scales of a completely different color also begin to appear. The skraa will retain this form for up to five hundred years or until it dies. If it lives to be five hundred years old, it will appear to be a completely different color from the predominant color it had when leaving its chrysalis.

When a skraa reaches five hundred years old or is killed, its life force will reform the physical body to live for another five hundred years. In this form, the skraa shrinks to be only as large as it was when it emerged from the chrysalis. Physically, it regains the bright colored scales, but the wings sprout colored feathers along the shoulders to the tips of the wings. As it ages, the brightly colored scales will fade until the skraa becomes almost white in its old age. When the skraa dies in this form, it does not come back and cannot be resurrected, even with a wish.

In ancient times, many believed that the larval stage of the skraa was a separate creature. For that reason, older texts sometimes refers to larval skraa as lindesyn. Although the term is rarely used, the last stage of a skraa's life is sometimes called the fadjagyn.

The skraa is unparalleled in combat because of its powerful breath weapon and use of magic spells. In addition to these abilities, a skraa can attack with its great maw filled with rows of razor sharp teeth, its long, sweeping tail, or with its six-fingered claws.

It is believed that female skraa may assume humanoid form at will, but this has not been confirmed. The source of this belief comes from the fact that skraa friendly towards humanoids tend to spend a lot of time in human or elven form in order to socialize. What is not known is if the ability to change into humanoid form is the result of a natural ability or the use of magic.

Although capable of powerful magic, the skraa cannot create any type of magical items. It can only use magical items made by others that can be consumed or worn. They cannot read magic, but instead use an innate form of magical power that doesn't require them to use material components for their spells, although verbal and somatic components are required per spell description.

All Skraa worship the head of their pantheon, Shennaghee, the Keeper of Stories. Shennaghee is also worshipped by many of the humanoids that live on Rollage. Follikyn skraa are classified into six different families by specific physical characteristics as well as a clan deity. This clan deity is not seen as higher or lower that the Keeper of Stories. The clan deity is reverred as an honored ancestor that ascended to a higher form of being. The six clan deities are: Annym (God of the Mind and the Afterlife), Casskeban (God of the Brush-foot), Araneyder (The God of  Singers), Filioo Bwoiryn (The God of Wolves), Co'Veain (The Twin Gods of Metal and Fire) and Skead (The Goddess of the Stars).

Wizards summoning these primordials are feared on the Prime Material Plane. Even a skraa in its larvae stage is a great danger.

Next post, The Children of Annym.

False Prime Material Planes

Floating along the Astral Sea are many planes that seem to be very close, if not duplicates of the Prime Material Plane. These False Primes present locales very similar to ones on the Prime Material. It's even possible to run into a copy of yourself.

By dint of floating around the Astral Sea, however, there are three important differences between a False Prime and the real Prime Material Plane:

  1. False Primes do not have a real Sun, Moon(s) and stars.
  2. False Primes do not have Ghosts
  3. False Primes do not have other planets.

The skies of various False Primes ranges from a blank, starless sky to a very convincing duplicate of a real sky. It may take observers some time to notice oddities. The False Prime sky, for example, may have stars that do not twinkle and/or a lack of constellations. Astrologers really hate these places.

The lack of a sun also affects a few powerful spells. One such spell summons a bit of the Sun to generate fire and heat, since there is no Elemental Plane of Fire to get it from. Such spells do not work on planes in the Astral Sea.

Being located in the Astral Sea prevents Ghosts from appearing on a False Prime. A ghost is the spirit of a creature that never escapes the Ethereal Plane to reach the afterlife, usually an Outer Plane that lies outside the Astral Sea. In other words, the spirits that become ghosts never make it to the Astral Sea to be inhabitants of one of the numerous planes. When a creature dies on a False Prime, the spirit travels directly to an Outer Plane without having to transverse the Ethereal.

Having no planets has a smaller effect, in some ways. There are spells that summon moon material that are affected. Also, not every planet has creatures that have mastered interstellar travel. However, the biggest effect is the inability to invoke the planets to divine the future. As noted earlier, astrologers do not like planes in the Astral Sea due to the inability to divine information from the stars. This also affects Lesser Divination magicks that do not invoke deities or extraplanar powers directly.

Summoning Primordials from these False Primes is pretty straightforward as long as the summoner hasn't visited too many False Primes. The more False Primes visited (or studied for the purposes of summoning various primordials), the more difficult it is to summon them.

The advantage for a summoner to call creatures from a False Prime, is that he/she can potentially summon very powerful creatures. Next time, a False Prime that feature a very powerful creature as its primordial, the Follykin Skraa.

The Sandmen of Padasar

There's more that I want to add to this primordial, but I wanted to post it anyway. What I like so far is that the Sandmen serve as something close to the original elementals summoned by the summon elemental spell. The sandman will do its masters' bidding. It is strong and powerful. Being immune to fire and heat also comes in handy.

More than that, the plane is an attempt to be different. In a future post, I'll expand upon the plane and its other inhabitants. Enjoy!

The plane of Padasar is unique amongst all the known planes for three distinct features. The most disturbing is the presence of earthquakes. Due to the nature of planes in the Astral Sea, it was believed that earthquakes would not occur. Another distinctive feature is the Hashimi Column. The column is an extraordinarily tall mountain that purportedly marks the exact center of the plane. The last distinctive feature is the non-linear flow of time. Visitors to this plane may encounter the Column at only ten thousand feet high on the first visit and find it later at the height of ten to twenty miles.

The sandmen are semi-intelligent creatures that favor areas near hot springs and volcanoes. They lead solitary lives traveling over Padasar in search of food or taking shelter from the weather.

The life of a sandman is driven by two sensations, hunger and satiation. Their main diet is cinnabar ore. It some places it lies on the ground, but it can usually be found about three to four feet below the surface. The sandmen use a shovel-like tool to dig up the ore, using their tremendous strength to break larger ore deposits into pieces small enough for them to eat.

The sandmen have soft flesh and blood of mercury. Their skin produces a small amount of lime, thus serving as the origin of their name. This lime helps them to process their food to retain as much mercury as possible. Digesting cinnabar ore causes them to produce sulphur dioxide  as a by-product. Due to the intense heat generated by digestion, they suffer no ill effects from heat or fire. They stand almost eight feet tall with very broad shoulders and blank features. Two white eyes glow from their eye sockets. Their wide mouths provide the illusion that they are smiling all the time.

Once in their lifetime, a sandman will reproduce. In preparation, the sandman will eat as much food as it can. After falling into a deep sleep, the sandman will split into two. When both sandmen awake, they will travel in two different directions.

When they die, they return to the place of their birth, usually near the Column. Their bodies quickly decompose into mercury.

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