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Category: OSR Project (Page 13 of 22)

Changing Feeds

I realized that with my Statis-Pro Football post earlier that I setup my feeds incorrectly on the Old School RPG Planet and the RPGBA.

I have fixed the issue so that only RPG articles will appear in both places. Although it is well after the fact, I hid my Statis-Pro post in the RPGBA feed before making the correction to the feed itself. My apologies for any annoyance this created.

Although the Joesky tax technically doesn't apply, here is something to actually add RPG content:

When thinking about spell points for the Arcanist, I originally looked to the Magus Divlantia section of the Net AD&D Players Supplement (written sometime in 1995 and edited in 1996). The formula for starting points is (((2INT)+CON)-30) /4. The formula for points gained every level was (((2INT)+CON)-30) /7. In the example of the Arcanist I gave earlier, I had assumed an INT of 16 and a CON of 12. Following the formulas, he started with 4 points and gained 2 points every level.

In the end, I simplified to INT bonus + CON bonus + 2 as the initial points and INT bonus + CON bonus every level after that. It calculates the same as the other formula. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of a little math. It just is simpler for newer players to use numbers already on the character sheet and perform simple addition.

I still believe I need to tweak it to generate more points. If a different idea tests well, I'll be happy to post about it here.

If you want to test it out, basically download the OpenQuest developers kit and look at chapter 9 about sorcerors. Use that spell list and Magnitude table for spells. Use the simplified formula above to calculate spell points. I would post it if I had it written in a better format than some crawled notes on a printout.


Comparison of Classes

One of my favorite authors for Dragon Magazine was Paul Crabaugh. For the handful of articles he wrote for D&D, I always appreciated his Class and Monster Generators. One the stated goals for Andras was to have a similar class creation system for DMs to use to better customize their world.

In 2e, a system was presented, but it states very plainly in the beginning that existing classes cannot be re-created using this system. In fairness, the same was true for Crabuagh's Customized Classes In Dragon #8. In some ways, it never felt right that I couldn't just re-create existing classes.

After a few months of experimenting with various systems, the conclusion is that the xp numbers are largely arbitrary. That may not be a surprise to anyone, but I thought that there might be a way to get reasonable close to the numbers, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Oddly enough, I can reach the numbers exactly for Basic Fantasy. Just not anything similar to 2e.

In the various experiments, there was a tension between the value of combat prowess versus the value of magical access. If combat was undervalued, the warrior group gained levels rapidly and the rogue group tended to have too many skills for the same xp levels. If magic was undervalued, there was little incentive to be a magic-user.

So as I wind down to a final version of the class generator, I find that Priests and Psionicists have the same XP progression level. Personally, I like that because I tend to characterize Psionic characters as anti-clerics. In other words, in function, they appear to generate magic in the same way, the difference is the source. Priests gain power from a deity and a psionic character gains power from within. It serves to make the psionic characters a persecuted group and also allows for deities to grant more anti-psionic miracles.

However, when the specific mythoi options for priests are used, their progression is a bit faster in my customized class system than a standard cleric. The main reason is that a specific mythos priest has access to half of the miracles that a cleric can access. In 2e parlance, that 8 schools with major access and 1 school with minor access versus 3-4 schools with major access and 1-3 schools with minor access.

The effect is not as pronounced with mages versus specialty wizards because of the bonuses that specialists gain.

In case you are wondering, my system makes the standard 2e paladin need almost 3000 xp to reach second level. Needless to say, I'll probably end up re-doing the paladin anyway. I want a battle priest/paladin/avenger class where alignment isn't so much a restriction as the specific deity served.

Maybe most surprising of all may be the fact that psionic powers are the most expensive form of magic.

I hope to have the generator ready in spreadsheet, pdf and php format soon. If anyone is interested, I will be happy to share the current working spreadsheet. I would upload it to the site, but it changes daily as I crunch numbers.

More than an Implied Setting for Andras

Using a tutorial on Campaign Cartographers, I was able to generate this artistic map on the Midosean region of Dwaneyarda (literally, "second earth"). I figured that the OSR doesn't need another toolbox without at least an implied setting. Dwaneyarda will be fleshed out in some detail, but not enough to be a full-fledged setting unless folks really like it. Having a setting makes it easier for taking ideas and adapting it to your game of choice. Dwaneyarda will also demonstrate the implementation of the rules and serve as a place to provide examples.

Many, but not all, the names are derived from a conlang called Lingwa de Planeta.

Here are some things that you need to know about Dwaneyarda:

  • The Midosean region is one of only two major bodies of water on the planet. The other major body of water, Nordeosean is a vast arctic sea that lies far north of this map.
  • Spells used by Priests are collectively referred to as miracles.
  • The use of psionics is as widespread as the use of magic.
  • Some schools of magic (along with spheres of miracles and disciplines of psionics) are more accepted than others. For example, the Necromancy school of magic is practiced in secret.
  • Dwaneyarda has a solitary continent.
  • The place names will be provided with an English Translation of the name. Materials created will have both names, but maps will always have the Dwaneyardan names.
  • The names of anything pertaining to player information (classes, kits, spells, schools of magic,etc) will be in English with Dwaneyardan in parenthesis.

Here is some information about the Midosean region shown on the map:

  • The Vakuamar (literally, the "empty sea") is an area of strong magical activity. Some believe it is a gateway to the multiverse. Others believe that it is an aberration of nature generated by the unfettered use of magic.
  • The borders of the Vakuamar are not literal - sailors have encountered it everywhere on the Midosean. However, most encounters take place north of the Isla Raduga ("the Rainbow Islands") so maps are drawn with it there.
  • The Lumataui is the great lighthouse than can be seen from almost anywhere in the Midosean. It was built for sailors to navigate around the Vakuamar. If the light of the Lumataui is not visible, you are likely inside the Vakuamar.
  • The cities on the map with towers are autonomous city-states. Those without towers are vassal states to another city. There are hundreds of villages, each with allegiance to one of the city-states not shown on the map.
  • The main road connecting the cities on the western side of the map is called Hunte Kamina (literally, the joined road)
  • The river is called the Anchun-Riva (literally, The Safe River). The origin of the name is uncertain though it may refer to the fact that the Vakuamar doesn't affect boats on the river. Branches of the river share the same name. Residents of the Midosean region do not make reference to the various branches of the river calling all of it Anchun-Riva. When describing the branches, they reference landmarks.

Here are all the place names translated into English:

  • Blisemar - By the Water
  • Bliyarke - By the Light
  • Isla Raduga - Rainbow Islands
  • Jamile - Beautiful
  • Lumataui - The Light Tower, The Lighthouse
  • Onok - On the Point
  • Pakamine - The City by the Road
  • Syaomar - Small Water or Bay City
  • Urb d'Arbre - The City of Trees, Tree City, Lumberton
  • Vakuamar - The Empty Sea
  • Versunorda - Northward
  • Zuyeste - Easternmost, The Farthest East

Feel free to use the map if you like it. If anyone is interested, I'll post the GIMP xcf file and the brushes I created. I like the format of this map because it is less tactical than a hex map or a spatially correct map.

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